Sunday, April 23, 2006

Deserting the Desert

Another thing the big-time news outlets are not publicizing is how the Army's desertion rate is way down since 9/11. That wouldn't fit nicely in the lefties' belief that "even soldiers don't support this war." If you do see a story about this, it usually chalks the statistics up to better army benefits, implying that we are all just money-grubbing mercenaries.
An interesting footnote is the insignificant desertion figures published by the Air Farce: only 30 airmen per year desert. Must be all the comfy linen, dorm rooms, and steak dinners the airdales get.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Retention Problems? Yeah right...

...that's why the Air Force needs to give 900 lieutenants the axe. They're so hard up for people, they have to cut those who want to stay. The Army is even 15% over it's retention goal.
The left is crying about how the people who are fighting this war don't support it and are voting with their feet. Blackfive and Greyhawk take exception to that whining, and rightfully so.